Beach Computer Works provides the proper foundation for secure business networks supporting encrypted payment technology. Today’s business world is rapidly changing. It seems there is something new every day. We cannot deny that. One thing remains the same, businesses must have a secure, rock solid revenue stream. Anything that could interrupt that can be disastrous. In the early days of computing we were all one big happy family. Just being able to connect one computer to another seemed earth shattering. We were all so happy with what we could do now, in many cases security was an afterthought, a minor issue used to keep networks organized and not much more. As time passed, more and more computers were connected together; things started to happen. Viruses, network breaches, stolen data, malicious behavior by one party or another. Little by little a layer of security here, a layer there, a patchwork so to speak. Much like trying to block a strainer with your hand. At some point you just have to admit, something needs to be done. Steven Jobs famously refused to put Flash (a content player) on the famous Iphone. He did this for good reason, the software was fundamentally flawed, and it could never be secure because it was not built from the ground up with security in mind. Thankfully we now have HTML5 replacing Flash (I recommend you keep it disabled on your computer). Flash along with many technologies of the earlier computer era shall now soon be relegated to the dustbin of computer history, and thankfully so because they almost singlehandedly created the computer malware industry by being such efficient vectors. Now we are entering a new era of connectivity, a worldwide network of interconnected systems, large and small. Bring into that mix, a nefarious criminal element, private and state sponsored in some cases. All players in one ever expanding web of connectivity like glass balls moving in some cold streams of logic until some lightning attacks and it goes crack. At Beach Computer Works, we are here to put a stop to that. We take your old network equipment and throw it out. We build you a new network in a solid, locking cabinet with alarms and cameras to protect it. From the first brick of the foundation to the final key to the network rack, security comes first. Your data gets the protection it needs, armed guards if necessary. We do not mess around. A single data breach could cost your company a million dollars. Often times when we do a security audit, an inspector can walk right up to a server and pull out the hard drive, right in front of so-called security. We will bring you up to date on best practices to protect your company. This must be an organic collaboration. Would you trust a $10 hr. college student to protect your company’s most liquid assets? Of course not, yet many companies do, and find out about it too late. Whether you have $10,000 in revenue a month or $10 million, security can no longer be overlooked and ignored. To do so imperils your enterprise with grave risks that are multiplying daily. We have a saying, “If you’re not paranoid, you are not paying attention”. Sadly this is true today. We will bring you up to current security best practices. Don’t let things outside of your control pass you by. Security is needed now, for all business networks. You are under attack, on a daily basis on your business firewall. Sit down some day and monitor attacks on the firewall, hundreds, thousands of probing bots, poking, prodding, looking for that security hole to plant their evil seed and wreak havoc upon your business, your life and your finances. At Beach Computer Works we build secure business networks for transactional data and merchant processing. Our managed secure networks protect access to your business accounts, credit card processing merchant accounts and any other sensitive data, including trade secrets. We build networks from the ground up with security in mind, not as an afterthought. From shielded pure copper network cables to sparkling diamond like glass fiber optics, nothing is overlooked. We start with powerful, monitored security appliances and a watchful eye 24 hours a day. That is coupled with the highest quality, highest speed networks to give you lightning fast access to your data. Our security auditors regularly inspect your networks, much like health inspectors and grade security performance and best practices at unannounced intervals. If security standards are not maintained there are compliance penalties and eventual termination of security arrangement. We will take your security to the next level, at a fraction of the cost of a data breach, not to mention the damage it will do to your company, reputation and customer trust. As an astute decision maker for your business, you know this intimately. You will never be able to catch up with current technology. It is moving too fast. We even support tech and software companies because they need to focus on core competencies. Surprisingly affordable, our managed networks allow you to do your job and not have to worry about IT security. Many cases we have actually been able to provide services at a net zero cost by eliminating costly redundant services, adjusting current services and totally eliminating others. We had one company paying almost $500 per month for an alarm company to monitor their camera system, one that was not working, we eliminated that expense, installed a reliable automatically monitored system and after capital expense literally they were getting paid to have us provide services.

Make an appointment for a consultant to provide a security audit for your business. Especially if you have a point of sale system. We promise you will be pleasantly surprised at the benefits and peace of mind a fully managed business network provides. Beach Computer Works can provide all the equipment you need on our all in one program or you can purchase your own. Think not so much about what it costs, but what will it cost you if you don’t. You will
be surprised at how affordable protection for a small retail business or restaurant is. We serve the smaller clients with world-class security once only available to large companies. Often for less than the cost of a typical cable television subscription, we can provide you with guaranteed security and peace of mind.

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